*The English Language Learner status is determined by the students ACCESS scores, taken every year between January and March.
*The ACCESS scores measure speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills on a 1-6 scale (6 being the highest).
*The ELL Student Plans help teachers see the different levels of the English components mentioned above. The plans also help teachers know what to expect the students can do.
*The Website Helpers' pages in the tool bar at the top of this page have many sites students can go to based on their level of English proficiency.
*The "Can Do" descriptors in the For Teachers tool are to help teachers have a starting point in their measurement of the students.
More Helpful information
1. Do you have any newcomers (new to English) in your class; if yes click here.
2. Language Arts Resources: click here
a. Reading and writing; click here
b. Academic Language; click here
3. Content Resources for ELL: click here; Differentiation: click here
4. Websites with differentiated readings: newsela.com, newsinlevels.com
4. Determining how much background knowledge is necessary: click here
5. Need a guide to cultural understanding: click here.
6. Professional articles on teaching and understanding ELLs - click on any of the articles below:
a. "Grouping students: Heterogeneous, homogeneous and random structures"
b. "Comprehension: Do your English learners understand your instruction?"
c. "The importance of guided practice in the classroom"
d. "Academic conversation develops deep comprehension: Specific procedures and assessment"
e. "The power of social media in language acquisition"
7. Top 12 Ways to Increase Student Participation: click here
8. Science - Environment: click here